The past few months have seen great investment in a ToP Network that is innovative and evolving, with much focus on mending the relationship between the ToP Netork and the ICA. At the Annual Gathering, the historical scan and image shift exercises in particular enabled healing and momentum to explore future potential for the ToP Network and ICA. One component of this effort to build network strength has been a series of virtual dialogues in order to develop new branding and marketing of the ToP Network to resonate throughout industries and sectors. This process is nearing completion, and we’re looking forward to implementing a new, more effective strategy.
Another emerging initiative within the ToP network is the ToP Climate Action Team (ToP CAT). Sparked by the Climate Change session at the Annual Gathering, ToP practitioners from across the country are meeting regularly to work on structures for communicating climate action urgency using ToP methods. ToP trainers and facilitators can use their work as a platform to increase climate conversations by: 1. Incorporating Climate Change Focused Conversations into trainings. The group has developed three scripted conversations to reflect on short climate change videos for any facilitator to use. 2. Facilitating Climate Conversations with clients and other groups you are involved with at this time. Help organize a movie night with a partner organization and facilitate the conversation after the video to explore perceptions and inspire action around climate action. 3. Getting involved with helping to plan and prepare for Town Meetings in October. These Town Meetings will use the ToP methods to dialogue with communities and encourage climate change actions. There is enthusiasm to facilitate Town Meetings this fall in part to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Bicentennial Town Meetings that were held across the U.S. in 1976. Email Ted at [email protected] for more details. As the ToP Network and ICA continue to collaborate on initiatives there are opportunities for engagement. Colleagues of both networks are invited to join in on this incredible journey and offer what you can (your time, ToP skills, and other talents) to the work. Comments are closed.