This new model has shown an incredible amount of success this past month. Early in May, ICA's AC77 team submitted a proposal to support the AC77 website, and was selected as one of the five top applicants for the Delta 'Emerging Leaders' Boost Grant. All five finalists were given an opportunity to make their pitch in person, at the Boost Event on May 8th, and attendees at the event were allowed to vote for only two of the five finalists. We are proud to say ICA was one of the two winners, and received $3,500 towards revamping the AC77 website. (Pictured Right: Nina Winn, Seva Gandhi, Caitlin Sarro accepting the Delta Emerging Leaders Boost Grant on behalf of the ICA, pictured with the other winner, Alex Poltorak from the Urban Canopy Project.)
In addition to these small but important crowdfunding victories, ICA received notice that the GreenRise Solar Project has been awarded a $359,000 grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation to install renewable solar energy panels on our rooftop - (just a stones throw away from the up and coming rooftop farm!) The GreenRise building is increasingly a high profile embodiment of "green culture" and an excellent complement to our Accelerate 77 community sustainability work.
As a team, we are very clear that none of our victories would have been possible without the overwhelming support of all our community members and advocates. We thank you, and now have tangible proof that our community supports and buoys us when we need them to the most. Comments are closed.