Over the years many cabinets of files have been transferred from the basement archive storage to the 6th floor Global Archives work rooms. The Global Archives team is in the midst of the Archive Basement Resettlement, an initiative to make sure all of the most valuable information will be preserved. Over 18,000 documents have been logged into the archive database, and volunteers are working to make documents available online.
The Chicago Sustainability Leaders Network (CSLN) has been working on neighborhood sustainability across Chicago and around the Midwest. In partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), ICA and three member organizations of CSLN—Chinese American Service League in Chinatown, Centers for New Horizons in Bronzeville, and Sacred Keepers Sustainability Lab in Bronzeville—have been awarded a $250,000 grant from ISEIF, the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation, to integrate Smart Grid consumer education into ongoing efforts to become neighborhood-based sustainability hubs.
On Monday, March 23, 2015, the Chicago Sustainability Leaders Network (CSLN) participated in the network’s first round table meeting at City Hall. The purpose of the round table was to establish an ongoing forum where community leaders and municipal officials can dialogue about mutual concerns related to sustainability. It was a first step in nurturing a creative ‘in-between space’ that connects city and regional program planning with initiatives driven by local people’s interests, concerns, and action.
On April 25, 2015, five new facilitators were assessed on their competencies with the Technology of Participation (ToP)®. On April 25th, Becky Groff of Des Moines, IA; Robert Quintana Hopkins of Oakland, CA; Robin Rifkin of Melrose Park, PA; Jen Schanen of Green Bay, WI; and Kap Wilkes of Duluth, MN all passed the assessment process and became Certified ToP Facilitators. We congratulate these new CTFs on their accomplishments and joining the other 70 CTFs currently in the ToP Network. We look forward to all the great things they will accomplish!
The International team at ICA-USA has been busy planning for three productive weeks in East Africa. Starting the second week of May, ICA-USA staff member Seva Gandhi, (treasurer of ICA-International (ICAI)), will be participating in a face to face ICAI board meeting in a town outside of Arusha, Tanzania. The following week, ICA-USA volunteer Richard Alton and other colleagues from around East Africa will come together for an East African Conference. The final week, Richard and Seva will travel to Uganda and Kenya to meet with local partners.